The so-called Tatzelwurm winds its way over the Main-Danube Canal in Essing, a tension band bridge made of glued wood, built in 1986, with the longest wooden bridge in Europe at just under 190 meters. For cyclists and pedestrians, the wavy, winding Tatzelwurm is passable and accessible all year round.
The fragments of a former manor complex towers high above Essing, the ruined Randeck Manor.The first fortification is believed to date from the 10th century. The fragments of Randeck Manor that are still accessible today were built in the 11th and 12th centuries.You can visit the outer walls, the castle dungeon and the windowless hunger tower as well as the 36 meter high keep, which as a lookout tower offers a wide view of the Altmühl vale.
The Essinger Kunstweg on rock and river runs through the Altmühlauen, a sculpture path with objects by Willi Hengge and Werner Engelmann.Works of art by other artists are also exhibited temporarily.
Nature seekers will find a variety of nature experiences worth seeing in Essing.The educational Jura landscape adventure trail runs along the Jura trail.The Sesselfelsgrotte in Neu- Essing with its caves created by the Ur-Danube and the Blautopf, a karst spring with its emerald green-blue water, will delight nature lovers.
The cliffs along the Altmühl are reef formations of the Jura Sea and belong to the Schulerloch nature reserve. The massive impression of the battlements is deceptive, the karst is crisscrossed by countless caves. You can visit the stalactite cave in Essing / Oberau in the Altmühltal Nature Park. A highlight of the cave tour are special stalactite formations, a worldwide unique water basin and a projection in which one can meet mammoths and Neanderthals. Guided tours take place daily.
(c) Elisabeth Storer